2010년 12월 30일 목요일

[Android Course][English][Theme] - screenOrientation / Rotation

Android 'Rotation / screenOrientation' Let's examine each of the relevant information.

1. screenOrientation
(1) 'Xml' Setting
: "AndroidManifest.xml" in the Activity Tag "android: screenOrientation" When you are setting.
- Portrait: 'vertical' Show only
- Landscape: 'horizontal' Show only
- Norsensor: 'horizontal and vertical' transitions both X
- Sensor: 'Aspect' convert all O
=> Cons: phone 'Settings - System - Display - Automatic screen rotation feature and independent works.
In other words, the 'Auto Screen Painting' and 'Diable' rotation is set to'm in is the problem.
- Unspecified: 'Aspect' convert all O
=> Features: Pawn 'Settings - System - Display - Automatic screen rotation feature based on the works.
In other words, the 'Auto Screen Painting' and 'Diable' If you set the rotation does not work.

(2) 'Code' Setting
: Code on the "setRequestedOrientation ()" API to be used.

2. 'Rotation' NOTICE
: Android will support the screen rotation feature.
However, if there is any set, each time rotating existing Activity does not preserve the Data. In other words, the horizontal / vertical conversion while at the UI Activity of a newly drawn onDestroy () and onCreate () is being performed.

1) 'onDestroy() & onCreate()' How not to reload
- 'AndroidManifest.xml' Setting
 : android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"

- 'Code' Setting
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {

    switch(newConfig.orientation) {
        case Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT:
        case Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE:
: Activity is being reloaded because the screen size remains unchanged. Therefore, 'Code' section of the above would have to work.

2) 'onDestroy() & onCreate()' 호출 시, Data Backup 방법
 - Screen rotation, Data Save.
: 'Public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance ()' on the screen, in turn, is to store the data coding.

public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() {
    HashMap<String, Object> DataBackup = null;
    DataBackup = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    ...... Data Save Working.....
    return DataBackup;

- 'OnCreate ()' call back, Data Loading.
: 'Public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)' call back, 'Data Loading' job is.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Object obj = getLastNonConfigurationInstance()
    if (obj != null) {
        HashMap<String, Object> DataBackup = (HashMap<String, Object>) obj;
        ..... Data Loading .....

3. AVD(Android Virtual Device) Horizontal / vertical mode switching Tip
: Android aemyulreyiteoin AVD (Android Virtual Device) of the 'horizontal and vertical' transition [CTRL] + F11 or [CTRL] + F12 and pressed, the screen 'aspect' is turned into.
While pressing the Control key and continue pressing the key until you change aneuni attention.

: Function Key
 [CTRL] + F11
 [CTRL] + F12
On the numeric keypad [7] (numeric keypad [7] [NumLock] can be off work)

4. Screen rotation
1) Android 2.1 -Eclar
WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
int orientation = display.getOrientation();
=> orientation ==  0 :  Vertical Mode
=> orientation  == 1. Horizontal Mode

2) Android 2.2-Froyo
WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
int rotation = display.getRotation();
=> Surface.ROTATION_0   : Vertical Mode
=> Surface.ROTATION_90  : Horizontal Mode
=> Surface.ROTATION_180 : Vertical Mode
=> Surface.ROTATION_270 : Horizontal Mode

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